We are excited to announce that Evolve Systems acquired Snap Agency effective July 1st, 2024, merging our efforts, teams, and clients under one brand name. Stay tuned for more details!

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DC Group

Transforming Lead Acquisition

How DC Group Reduced Costs and Boosted Conversions

DC Group is in professional services where their clients are often in need of immediate help, thus we needed to convey this in the ads we built for them. Making advertising more relevant and reducing the cost to acquire a lead was key: We approached this as our business and pulled out all the stops.


In March of 2015, DC Group was averaging over $400 per lead in AdWords. That sort of success rate is not sustainable and doesn’t allow for much growth. Our initial assessment showed several small areas for improving and tightening focus.

Advertising was not being spread among channels at all and was focused entirely within AdWords. We were tasked with finding a more appropriate and cost-effective way to allocate spend. The need to branch out from pay per click (PPC) was pretty obvious, so testing channels like Display/Programmatic Advertising and really diving into digital brand awareness was asked of us.

There were also needed tweaks to campaign settings in AdWords and the keywords being used were too broad. We found that our initial research into the focus of their SEM was spot on, and really prioritizing services and allocating spend appropriately was necessary.

While working with their team, we were looking for ways we could partner on this project and use their expertise in the industry to understand how their potential customers would find them. This saved us time overall and really made our goal of being efficient possible.


We started from scratch by taking the data from existing campaigns and applying what we knew from our research into competitors and best practices. The new campaigns were much tighter and divided based on service-related searches, and ad copy was written in cooperation with the client. We wanted to use their expertise and make sure it could be seen clearly by searchers (instead of marketing speak/jargon overuse).


Our new campaigns took off. Conversions increased by over four times on average, and the cost per conversion decreased to roughly $130—a huge savings. Efficient advertising became the mantra for DC Group, and we are still testing secondary channels today. Programmatic RTB advertising is being done to drive brand awareness and influence potential searches when people in their target industry find themselves in need of help. Creating the conversation before people search is one way DC Group is now ahead of the curve.

We tested Bing Ads and didn’t see increased results, despite evidence in Analytics (their organic Bing traffic) suggesting it was worth exploring. Simply putting spend there to feel out the audience gave us the insight we needed to understand that focusing on display and AdWords made the most sense for DC Group. If you’re looking for ways to improve results for your digital marketing, let’s begin looking for opportunities.

Learn About Our Proven 5-Step Process

Our five-step process is a flexible map for how we develop the proposal of work behind your custom-built program. It’s the backbone of why our programs are so successful, and our clients receive tangible results. Our goal is to transform your business visions into actionable items by following our process.
