Upon conducting extensive audience research in 2010, the National Pork Board concluded it was time to evolve their brand from “Pork, The Other White Meat” to “Pork, Be Inspired”. The new positioning has resulted in a new campaign and a new website. As The National Pork Board’s digital agency-of-record, Atomic Playpen worked closely with The National Pork Board to extend the campaign to the new website. Atomic Playpen incorporated a “southern kitchen” feel into the website and also identified ways to enhance the user experience throughout the website. A video player was also added to the homepage enabling the user to cycle through numerous cooking videos quickly. Re-built on C4TM, the remains fully content manageable by The National Pork Board marketing team. After the redesign, Pork saw a skyrocket in visits, a decrease in bounce rate and a rise in overall user experience on both desktop and mobile. A promotional social media campaign featured a live cooking demonstration from Richard Blais, winner of Top Chef All-stars.