We are excited to announce that Evolve Systems acquired Snap Agency effective July 1st, 2024, merging our efforts, teams, and clients under one brand name. Stay tuned for more details!

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Myopain Seminars

Myopain Seminars

A Complete Partnership, From Strategy to Support

Myopain Seminars is a renowned industry leader in dry needling education, with courses held across the globe by a broad network of partners and instructors who are experts in their field. Acting as a thought leader in the space, Myopain Seminars develops much of the coursework and materials it uses to advance the skill sets of their students.

Evolve Systems partnered with Myopain Seminars for a wide range of services, with the entirety of our five-step process applied to their program and continued partnership. Everything from strategy and development to an ongoing marketing program has been utilized to create a comprehensive digital strategy that continues to prove successful for Myopain Seminars.

desktop tablet and mobile illustrations on yellow bubble

Full Program


Wrench in cog on blue bubble illustration

Healthcare & Education


The Opportunity

Digital Strategy for Industry Experts With Untapped Potential


With such a dominant position in a young and fast-growing industry, Myopain Seminars’ digital presence lacked the solidity and polish necessary to capture the market share that was available for the taking. Myopain Seminars had the following areas of opportunity to elevate their digital presence utilizing:

  • An explicit and consistent social media strategy.
  • A messaging strategy that strengthened itself across multiple touch points, including through partners, instructors, coursework, email, blogs, and social media.
  • A comprehensive advertising strategy at the campaign level and tactically by platform (individual ads, messaging, creative)
  • An improved website with advanced functionality, including directories, search, and course registration portals that’s tailored for SEO.
  • Brand consistency across all channels, including digital and in-person/print.
  • A strong understanding of all strategic elements by Myopain Seminars employees for continued success.
The Solution

Effective Application of Our Five-Step Process


Because of the high demand for classes before the pandemic, and the anticipation of increased demand after lockdown restrictions were eased across the country, Myopain Seminars required a quick turnaround for their website and subsequent stages of their new marketing strategy. The Evolve Systems team applied our Five Step Process, tweaked for Myopain’s unique situation and industry position.

1. Discovery

The project kicked off with an in-depth discovery session that outlined Myopain Seminars’ existing brand identity while providing clarity on aspirations for their marketing strategy and new website. Additionally, Myopain Seminars and Evolve Systems established a clear roadmap for how the UX/UI of the new website will accurately reflect Myopoain Seminars’ brand identity and how their style will stay consistent across all channels, including ads and social media.

2. Design

Although the project didn’t include a rebrand, we conducted a refresh in anticipation of our multi-channel marketing efforts after Myopain Seminars’ new website was launched. Myopain’s visual brand was built as a differentiator and intentionally had the flexibility to be applied to all the required mediums.


3. Develop

The new website build included a mobile-first design for all UX/UI, including course registration. Directories and search functions received special attention to make navigation and key information even easier for users to find. Crucially, data attribution was set up along with the new website. Now, all current and future decisions are data-driven based on details that were previously uncaptured, such as the specific course, checkout value, and checkout drop-off location, giving us better capabilities for improvements and recommendations.

4. Market

Based on website data received from our attribution efforts, we’re able to tweak existing marketing efforts like social media posting schedules and email cadences. A monthly content calendar was built to accurately identify all newsletters, social media posts, course registration emails, and blog posts need to stay in front of current and future students.

5. Support

Evolve Systems provides ongoing support for Myopain Seminars by providing custom guides, best practices, and trainings to the Myopain Seminars team in tandem with continuous marketing support. This support is in the form of content calendar management (blogs and social media), advertising management, and technical webmaster services.

The Result

Digital Muscle That Matches Industry Influence


Myopain Seminars’ new website continues to be a dependable and brand-aligned marketing tool. Myopain receives positive feedback on user experience, especially regarding design and ease of use from both students and instructors. Myopain Seminars continues to trust our webmasters as stewards of their website, and we continue to provide support with both on-page and behind-the-scenes improvements.

The extra effort we applied to data-collection and attribution continues to pay dividends by maximizing our confidence in our recommendations while providing a foundation for trust by the Myopain Seminars team, as every decision is based on accurate data. We continue to provide marketing support to Myopain Seminars with marketing strategy, social media, ongoing website improvements, and training so their team is calibrated with our efforts. Overall, the initial website project and continued support has been a success, and our teams continue to elevate their marketing presence as a cohesive unit.

Monthly Data Points / Captured Events


Pageviews on Key Converting Landing Pages


For Each $1 of Ad Spend



Evolve Your Website into a Marketing Tool